Thursday, December 12, 2019

Julian and The Dinosaur Bunch

Julian and The Dinosaur Bunch

By Michelle Stiles 

Photo Credit: LewisLeigh & Co. Photography

Website: lewisleighco. 
Facebook: LewisLeighCo

A curious boy named Julian was playing one day,
With his dinosaur toys, made from rubber and clay.
His fuzzy dinosaur toys were also on the loose.
With them he’d share his cookies and juice.
The big T-Rex’s teeth were sharp and large.
When it came to the dinosaurs, Julian was in charge.
He made the T-Rex chase after the Stegosaurus.
The real dinosaurs were here long before us.
Small dinosaurs had better make some room.
When he stomped his feet they went, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
Julian let out a big load, “ROAR!”
Just like his friend the dinosaur.
The Pterodactyl flew through the skies
Julian looked up with his big brown eyes.
Where is he going? The dinosaurs want to know, “Where and why?”
Julian couldn’t find him but was determined to try.
Perhaps he went find water or to forage for food?
Maybe he was just in a frightened mood?
Julian wanted to play with him some more.
“C’mon y’all. Let’s find the dinosaur!”
Julian and the dinosaurs searched all around.
Was he still in the sky? Or land on the ground?
For the Pterodactyl couldn’t have gotten far.
Plus Julian is way too young to drive the car.
Suddenly he heard a rustle, could it be?
Yes! He found the Pterodactyl up in the tree!
Julian and the dinosaurs all cheered, “HOORAY!”
The Pterodactyl flew down into Julian’s arms; where he’d stay.
He was so happy to reunite with his friend.
Julian knew their love would never ever end.
Then Mommy called out, “It’s time for lunch!” 
Julian’s had a blast with the Dinosaur Bunch.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Feminist Prayer

A Feminist Prayer

         by Michelle Stiles

Us women have to stick together. Rape is no joke. A guy says something inappropriate/gets too close. How dare he touch you like that! Knee him in the groin! That’s what you think you should do. Or punch him in the face. Yell, “FIRE” or “HELP” or “RAPE”. But it’s not always like in the movies. Sometimes you freeze and do the only thing you can; wait and hide into yourself, hide into your mind, your sister, your brother, or someone who can comfort you through it and tell you everything will be ok. Just remember you are not alone.
            So see your niece? Think of the first time a man’s touch is too rough or lingers on her pearls for too long. Teach her that it’s not ok. No means NO! To not walk alone in the dark or alone at night unarmed. Stay in well-lit areas and away from strangers. Stay away from people who give out a bad vibe—“family” and “friends” included. Protect yourselves and protect each other. A-men!